National Trust Database - Search Results

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Displaying 1- 3 of 3 records found
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Pinus halepensis

Aleppo Pine

Eastern Park, 1-45 Garden Street, GEELONG VIC 3220 - Property No T11616

Historic garden or park; Outstanding size An outstanding example of the species being amongst the largest in Victoria. The tree has developed an enormous crown but has two leaders and there is movement in the narrow fork. Crown has started to separate and urgently requires cabling. Located east edge of park. Measurements: 02/09/1989 Spread (m): 20.3 Girth (m): 5 Height (m): 29 Estimated Age (yrs): 100 Condition: Removed Classified: ... more



Pinus halepensis

Aleppo Pine

cnr Deakin Avenue and Eleventh Street,, MILDURA VIC 3500 - Property No T11939

Contribution to landscape A prominent tree with a large dense crown and spreading branches in grounds of Anglican Church of St Margaret of Scotland. Foundation stone of church laid on 8 June 1901. Tree removed in 1993 due to threat to public safety. Measurements: 28/08/1992 Spread (m): 20.5 Girth (m): 3 Height (m): 23 Estimated Age (yrs): 90 Condition: Removed Access: Unrestricted Classified: 10/09/1992



Pinus halepensis

Aleppo Pine

Werribee Park Mansion, 320 K Road,, WERRIBEE VIC 3030 - Property No T12171

Contribution to landscape of historic park Outstanding size Aesthetic significance Historic value Outstanding example of species
This Aleppo Pine (Pinus halepensis) located north-west of the ornamental lake at Werribee Park Mansion garden represents one of the three species of pine planted in the mansion garden and throughout the property.Thespecimen was selected and planted circa 1877 by the ... more

